10 words gif

10 Words Gif 
What was the scope of the project?
The project task was to make and complete a gif of the ten words from my previous blog post. We were told our expectations, showed an example, then put to work.
What was the process?
At first I had no idea how I wanted to start. Then I played around with colors, fonts and ways to move the words. I then decided to have all different colors and fonts. I retyped al my word and placed them where I wanted them to be. I then started to animate. I moved all of the words to where I wanted the to be and then plays it. It was a bit choppy so I went in and fixed it.
What did I learn?
Overall The most I learned was how for move shapes and put them together in creative ways. I learned how to make a word circle and how to made a word disappear then come back in a different place.
What would I do different?
If I did the project again I would change the colors and fonts. I would experiment with different things.
What would I do the same?
I would keep the words the same. Its a good variation and mix.
What have I learned for help with another project?
If I did a different project with the same concept, I would watch more close with animating. I had to go back lots and redo stuff because I didn't pay attention to which buttons I was pressing which caused me to have lots of mistakes.


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